Friday, October 30, 2009

trouble is a friend?

Hi again!

exam is coming up, but i read nothing!! aini malas sgt nak mule study!!waaa...aini da giler la!! terok betol!!paper start aini tak belajar langsung nih!!aduhaaaaaiii...

semalam mcm2 jadi. masa kat kelas aini dengar aniza sebot2 pasal rahim. igtkan sape la rahim tuh...rupenye name gelaran utk budak yang dier minat time camping hari tuh...hehehe..lawak la sbb nampak dia suka betul n hani pulak memang beriye carik sapekah gerangannya si rahim tu...hahahaha...

tibe2 aniza pulak tanya pasal budak yg aini minat time camping. aduhaaai...terkejut pulak aini dia tanya...tibe2 rase menyesal pulak sbb gatal2 tulis dalam blog...hehehe...isk...mane boley bgtaw kan?hangin je aniza n hani...aniza takot org yg same...beriya tanya company mane, maktab mane and even 1 clue pon aini tak mau kasik...malulah...sorila ye aniza...i have to..sebab taknaklah orang taw..mesti diorang pelik kenapa aini minat dier and tak sangke aini minat die...hohoho...memalukan sungguh.. aini minat die time kt camping je la...dah balik camping, tade perasaan pon and even aini ske tengok care dier kat camping, naim is much more better!! :)) of cosla, what do you expect? heee

then, semalam jugak aini berkongsi cerita dgn zatul pasal seorg nih...aini kesian sgt dekat zatul, selama nih masa dia tak rapat lg dengan kitorang dia tak boleh nak luahkan ape2 cerita gembira dgn kawan2 dia...sbb kawan2 dia tak suka nk dgr... kawan2 dia tak nak faham pon perasaan dia...tapi perasaan org lain kawan2 dia zatul pulak kene bekorban perasaan dia sbb kawan2 dia nih...bayangkanlah, lame jugak zatul rapat dgn diorg and selama tu la dia hanya pendam perasaan. sedih gaduh dgn boyfren, gembira dpt jumpe yg tersyg, semua dia pendam sorang2 je sebab takde yg nak dengar...kesian kan?aini faham sbb aini suka sgt kongsi perasaan gembire aini dengan orang lain dan aini faham bila perasaan tuh terpaksa disekat sebab takde yg nak dgr. but now, dah ade yang dengar kisah zatul..ramai lagi...chark, efa, aniza...semua dgr cerita zatul..susah senang, gembire sedih semua zatul boleyh share sekarang...baguslah and im happy for her...

cuma aini tak faham dgn kawan dia tuh...kalau betul dia kawan dalam erti kate sebenar pon, kenapa dia tak pernah nk dgr cerita zatul?zatul cerita dia kene simpan semuanya sebab kawan dia tak suke..kawan dia nih warak skeyt org, dia tak mahu dgr cerita2 berchinte bg aini kalau dia sayang kawan dia, apa salahnya dia dgr..kalau dia tak suke, dia boleyh tegur dgn care yg betul dan perlahan-lahan...dia boleyh jugak doa yang terbaik untuk kenapa dia tak de dengan zatul masa zatul perlukan dia?then now dier pon same mcm zatul yang dia tak suka tuh...dia dah berchinte jugak...dier luahkan dekat zatul jugak perasaan gembire sedih dia masa berchinte...and tanpa segan silu dia luahkan and dia tak pernah teringat apa yang dia pernah buat kat zatul.kecewa aini dgn sikap dia...

bila zatul cerita2 ni, aini terfikir aini pernah tak buat kawan aini mcm tuh?aini takot pulak...kalau ade, aini mintak maaf sgt2 and i really didnt mean to...aini tak sedar perbuatan aini tuh and aini harap korang maafkan aini. ade jugak kawan2 kat sini yang pernah tak suka aini rapat dgn sorg nih...ade jugak yang tak suke bile kawan dia reply2 komen dengan aini...aini sedih jugak sbb ade yg tak suka aini berkawan...aini pon tak faham...aini ade buat salah ke kat diorang?takpela, mungkin ade cara aini yg buat mereka tak suke. ade yg cakap tak suke cara aini pandang, aini rasa aini pandang dia mcm biase je...ade jugak yg dah tak nak kawan dgn aini walaupon aini dah tanya byk kali before tuh aini ade buat salah ke dgn dia. even smpai skrg pon aini tak kawan dgn dia lagi...dia mungkin tak suka da kott nak kawan dgn ar 2...ape2 pon aini mintak maaf sgt2 kalau aini ade buat salah dekat kawan2 semua secara sengaja atau tak...sorry for everything...

to madhihah, thanx for always being there no matter what!i really appreciate it and walaupon org lain tgk aini macam tak rapat sgt dengan madhihah kt kelas, but actually i do love her...i love her the most of all...huhuhu...thanx so much madhihah!!! :)))

that's all...

When I tell any truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do. ~William Blake

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

camping camping camping!!!

Hai, everyone!

ok last week was the best week ever!i was very happy till i cant even breath!!hehehe...melampau lak...

first day of the weekend, on monday, aini and efa tak masok kelas langsung sebab kitorang berjalan2 kat dataran pahlawan. aini happy gile sbb dapat gak makan sausage mcmuffin kegemaran aini and efa pulak dapat mkn ayam spicy favourite die!!then, aini ngn efa enjoy tgk movie cerita papadom!!very funny and sad also...touching sgt cerita tuh, and that's reminds me to my Abah...selama nih banyak sgt pengorbanan yang telah abah lakukan untuk besarkan aini dan adik beradik yg lain...heee...sayang abah sgt2!!!cerita tuh mmg sgt sweet to afdlin shauki sbb dier berjaya buat cerita macam tuh!!he will always be my favourite director and my favourite artiste!i love him very much!!hehehe...after tgk movie, aini and efa berjalan2 la kat dataran pahlawan and mahkota parade...then, kitorg terjumpe syed aiman pulak!!dier tgh wat shooting dkt dataran sgt hari kitorg!!!we had a very wonderful day...memang nak hilangkan stress sbb kitorg mmg dah imagine how hard our days will be starting tomorrow until friday...mmg taw akan jadi disaster sbb kene pergi camping!!gosh....

so, the next day, whether i like it or not, i still have to go to the camping...the camp site was at kem asahan, jasin, melaka. masa sampai tuh kitorg prepare barang, and kemas2 semualah...maktab lain tak de, kitorg lepak2 gelak2 untuk hilangkan stress jee...after lunch, kitorg pergi solat and petang tuh aktiviti da nk start...ipgm tho tak smpai lagi so, time tuh mmg ade ipgm kpm, ipgm kti and ipgm krm je...dier pecah kan kitorg kepada 4 kumpulan and aini masok kumpulan bravo. masa awal2 tuh, ntahla..aini tade perasaan langsung. aini rasa sgt homesick and keep counting days untuk balek...huhuhu...aini definitely suke camping, tp aini tak suke kawad!mmg tak suke!!menyampah!!!isk...tolong la bg benda lain kat aini...heheh.. so, mlm tuh ade ice breaking and ok la...aini rase ok je groupmate aini cume ade sorg je yg buat aini rase boring skeyt...huhuhu...

the next day, boring skeyt la...each group ade stesen kene pergi.first station group aini belajar pasal usungan. macam2 jenis usungan sebenarnya, usungan bomba, usungan 4 tangan, usungan berempat, berdua, mengendong...semua2lah...then, kitorg gi stesyen balutan. bahagian balutan ni, ok la jugak...byk jugak aini belajar...actually dah belajar da, tp dpt recall balek la mcm mane nk wat balutan tuh semua...hurm...aini suke jugaklah bahagian nih...hari kedua, mmg separa gile skeyt la aini dibuatnya..mane tak, breakfast tuh aini mkn skeyt je...aini tak lalu nk mkn, then lunch pkol 4 lebeyh...aini mmg kebulor gile ar!!!sgt lapa and aini tak boley handle punye...pening kepala aini dibuatnya...hehehe...da dpt mkn tuh, rase ok skeyt la kan..lpas zoho, sementara tggu lunch tu, kitorg smbung lg buat stesen seterusnya. yg ketiga kitorg ke bahagian cpr. aduhaaaiii..aini lemah btol la bab nih...aini nih dah la penggeli lain mcm, then kene plak wat amali cpr tuh...aini mmg nk muntah la...even da cuci dgn listerine pon, aini tak boleyh gk...mmg nk buat je la kan, kalo tak failed!!heeee....and last station kitorg belajar komunikasi gune walkie talkie. waa....mmg aini jakon la...aini tak pernah gune bende tuh, and bile dah belajar aini mmg excited giler!!!walopon aini tak merasa nk guna, tp takpela...aini tgk org lain guna pon dah wat aini hepi!!bestla!!aini suke sgt stesen ni... and, belah mlm pulak, ade exam..haaa...part exam ni yg paling aini tak suke!!eiyyyy...dalam dewan exam tuh, ade 2 ekor lipas!!!eiiyeeeewww....mmg la aini tak ske!!rase nk jerit je time 2!!aini mmg geli gile tgk lipas...dalam tv pon aini da meremang tgk, ni kan pulak kalo tgk live!mmg la jiwe aini memberontak!!tak ske tak ske tak ske!!!

the third day, kitorg ada pertandingan kawad kaki...hurm, yg paling aini tak boley lupe bile hairy, ketua kumpulan kitorg lupe nk bg arahan ape time tgh pertandingan tuh...lawak gile!!!aini tergelak time tuh and bile igt balek, mmg berjaye buat aini tersenyum...tgh saat2 genting, boleyh plak dier lupe dialog!hahahaha....then, after pertandingan kawad kitorg ade free time untuk buat banner and berbincang psal malam kebudayaan kitorg. after majlis penutup, kitorg tros mkn and solat.

petang tuh, kitorg ade junggle trekking and junggle survival. best sgt2 time tuh sbb aini minat junggle glee!!!time tu dia ajar byk benda gk..dier tunjuk katak, pokok lembe, erm, buah berangan and daun2 yg boleh dimkn dlm hutan. kalau kita nak taw daun mane boleh mkn, kite kene gosok dkt tgn. lpas 2 minit or sumthing, kalo tgn kite tade effect, try kat bibir, kalau takde effect gk lepas 2 minit lebeyh, try gosok kt lidah...kalo tak rasa lidas after 2 minutes, baru kite boleh mkn daun tuh...senang je kn??itulah cara nk survive dlm hutan...aini mmg enjoy hari ketige tuh! mlm tuh, mlm kebudayaan...mlm kebudayaan mlm yg paling bermakna dalam hidup aini...aini ske sgt team bravo and i'm very appreciate each member of the team...diorg bg kerjasama sebaiknya and care for each other!aini mmg happy sgt and mlm kebudayaan tuh merupakan malam yg paling best sbb each member played their role very well!aini sgt puas hati dgn lakonan kitorg and part yg paling aini suke part virus H1N1 bergabung and part camera rosak!aini memg gelak terus atas stage tuh mmg main lepas je...yela, dlm mase berapa hari je, mane nk prepare dialog sgt, and bdak2 nih maen keluarkan je ayat2 yg berjaya buat aini gelak!!hehehe...i'm having so much fun there and i wanna remember each moment at the camp!aini sgt enjoy camping tuh...

dekat camp tuh, aini ade suke kt sorang ni..tak payah la aini bgtaw sape, sbb tade org taw pon...takdela suke mcm aini ske naim tuh, tp ske tgk care dier la...bile dier bercakap, bg idea, buat lawak semua buat aini nk tersenyum tgk dier...aini tak pernah plak beriye borak dgn die...mcm2 tu je la...tgk dia pon dari jaoh jer...aini nmpk lah perbuatan dier actually...aini ske ar care dier...sempoi smpai situ je la...tade plak aini nk flirt ke ape ke an...hehehe...aini syg naim lg wooo...he's the best of all!! :) time camp aini sedih gk sbb jarang dpt contact dgn naim...huhuhu...aini bz sgt...sian naim...naseb baek dier sentiasa fhm aini..thanx awk!! :) ok, psal bdak td balek, aini ske tgk budak kt camp tuh sbb die senyum sgt manis.dier tak pnah plak senyum kt aini, tp dier senyum kt kengkawan dier la...comeyl2!!tp kt camp tu jela...dah balek mktb,tgk gmbar2 bdak2 ni upload, kalo ade gmbar dier, mmg aini senyum gkla..bile teringt camp pon aini tersenyum bler tringat dier skali...hehehe...but, ape2 pon naim ttp no 1!heee...

walopon at the first place aini rase tak ske nk gi camping nih, tp lepas dah pergi...uishhhh...rase tanak balek plak!!!hehehehe...overall, aini mmg
happy sgt
pergi camp kali ni!aini jumpe kalai and umah yg bingai gile, jumpe geng farmville, amir, jumpe hairy and saiful yg ade character tersendiri tp still berjaya buat aini ketawa, aiman, akmal, atilah, paan and byk lagi lah...semuanye ade perangai masing2 yg boleyh aini masukkan nnt dalam novel aini!!hahahaha...perasan jee....takdela...mane ade novel, tp boleyh la nk aini kongsikan dgn kawan2 yg lain...aini hepi giler and i wish they will be my friends forever!!! :))

company BRAVO!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

aini suke bile weekend tibe!

waaaa...aini tak percaye kejap je dah ahad balek...sedih pulak.. aini suka kalo setiap hari weekend je...dapat lepak rumah, sakat adik2, keje mcd keee....hehehe...aini tak suke bile kene balek melaka...borink and stress!!huhuhu...aini emo skeyt mlm ni!! ;)

weekend nih best sgt...ari jumaat, first of all aini gi klinik, kerana ingin membaiki kulit2 aini yg dilanda kegatalan sepanjang camping hari tuh...still, aini tanak cerita lagi psaal camping kali ni...laterrr.... heeee...

hari sabtu, pg2 aini dah bersiap sbb nk kene gi serting. angah kahwin kt sane jugak lah...chantek angah make up ari tuh...aini suke tgk!hurm...aniza, yg awk kate handsome tu abg ipar kite ye...sila beri perhatian dan harap maklum... ;)

balek tuh, aini, along n abg long gi jusco seremban 2. asalanye kitorang nak tgk papadom tak kesampaian sebab dah full. sedih, kitorg jalan2 je dlm jusco tuh.along belanje starbucks lg!sangat suke!aini suke coffee!!

then, mase tgh lepak2 kat situ, nmpak lah ade cina ni beriye sgt dgn kertas graf and pen dia nak kira tapak tgn yg berpusing2 dkt dalam jusco tuh...ade byk la jugak...aini pon pening tgk...rupe2nye tu cina tuh nak masok kot, tu pasal la beriye...aini n abg long, tgk je org cina tuh siap gelak2 kan, lame2 kitorg mcm teringin plak mencuba...gile betul!!aini sanggup gi popular cari buka kotak2 matematik tuh, pensel and pen...

da beli, kitorg macam gile plan nk kira bende tuh mcm mane.dah la dier berpusing...layan kan aje...kitorg try je...bestla jugak!walopon mencabar...memang pertandingan kali ni mencabar minda betul....aini harap sgt kitorg menang. aini dgn abg long kire asing2...bile kitorg dah abes kire, beza jumlah aini dgn abglong 4 je...cuak gak lah kn...nk kire balek semula da penat...almost seribu taw kitorg kire bende tuh...and dier amek masa sgt lame sebab benda tu berpusing...sgt susah nak kire...kire, kitorg memang tabah ar nk kire gk bende tu kan...

esoknya, b4 anta aini balek melaka kat terminal 2, kitorg kire lagi bende2 tuh...nak komfemkan...bile dah kire, barulah dapat yg same....penat gile!!!tp bestla!aini dgn abglong sgt excited dgn competition ni..along relek gk ar walopon dier pon syok...pertandingan ni kene wat slogan gk, abglong aini mmg superb!dier tuh genius la aini rase!sgt giler ar sbb even slogan pon dier boleyh buat yg terbaik!!banyak pulak tuh...bukan skeyt!jeles aini! jela yg aini nk share...pasal weekend aini yg best!!!

A genius is one who shoots at something no one else can see - and hits it. ~Author Unknown

Friday, October 23, 2009

Asal usul miszpensel...


dah lame aini tak update blog kan?sebab aini pergi camping 4 hari kat kompleks majlis sukan negara, kem asahan, jasin melaka. aini tanak cerita pengalaman camping aini lagi...aini nak cerita dulu asal usul miszpensel dalam hidup aini... heeeee.... ;p

orang yg baru nak kenal aini mesti tanya kenapa misz pensel? kenapa pensel? mostly tanya mcm tu la lebey kurang... ok, kat sini biar aini cerita kat semua asal usul miszpensel tuh eih?

macam ni, dulu masa zaman remaja, aini suka sangat kumpul pensel tekan. aini sgt2 suka...aini siap simpan duit belanja makan kat sekolah tuh untuk beli pensel tekan shaker!shaker kan mahal, betul tak?aini ada semua warna shaker tu sendiri. aini memang sayang betullah koleksi shaker aini, dari situ aini terasa nak buat emel aini pensel tekan. but before that, aini baru nk berjinak2 dengan dunia chatting, aini pon gunalah nickname penseltekan...haish..memang ramaila orang dok tanya kenapa pensel tekan. then, aini memang guna nick name tu je la...tak pernah tuka...dulu aini selalu chatting dgn geng2 arabclan je la...bob, ajiz, afiq, shida, naim n sape lg?ntahla...aini pon da tak igt...ade jugaklah kenal member2 baru...afiq bila nmpk aini kt chat room dier slalu tego hai miszpensel...bile dah slalu mcm tuh, aini rase mcm best gk miszpensel, aini pon buatlah emel yahoo aini, heeee....

so, tu jela asal usul miszpensel yg sekarang...aini memg suke sgt pensel tekan dulu...even sekarang pon...but, unfortunately, shaker tuh semua dah dah curi masa aini masok library kat sekolah curik semua pulak tuh shaker aini...dier tinggalkan satu je pensel tok aini...memang jahatlah dier...aini nangis time pensel tekan aini tuh hilang...penat kumpul duit belanje... :(( tapi takpelah, maybe bukan rezeki aini...

so, that's it...

Ketika Cinta Bertasbih...

By: Melly Goeslow ft. Amee

Bertuturlah cinta
Mengucap satu nama
Seindah goresan sabdamu dalam kitabku
Cinta yang bertasbih
Mengutus Hati ini
Kusandarkan hidup dan matiku padamu

Bisikkan doaku
Dalam butiran tasbih
Kupanjatkan pintaku padamu Maha Cinta
Sudah di ubun-ubun cinta mengusik resah
Tak bisa kupaksa walau hatiku menjerit

Ketika Cinta bertasbih Nadiku berdenyut merdu
Kembang kempis dadaku merangkai butir cinta
Garis tangan tergambar tak bisa aku menentang
Sujud sukur padamu atas segala cinta

Monday, October 12, 2009


Hi!!! this is all bout me, myself and I....sape2 yang rasa tak faham dengan sikap aini ke pape ke...juz read this...maybe it helps you a lot in knowing me better...

.Attractive personality.

@--;-- am I? hehehe…*wink wink*


@--;-- Definitely NOT!saya hanya memakai baju kurung yeee…


@--;-- Hurm… I don’t show but I act like one. Aini malu nak tunjuk, tp aini bagitaw melalui perlakuan aini n everything…takdela direct…

.Shy and reserved.

@--;-- hehehe…aini memang pemalu sebab aini tak ramah dengan orang. So, no wonder it is hard for me to adapt in new environment.


@--;-- Yes… sebab kalau luah pon, ade ke yg nak faham?

.Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic.

@--;-- These are also part of me.. aini sangat mudah mengalirkan air mata…aini tak boleh tgk siapa2 yg aini sayang sakit and aini mudah nak nangis kalau ade orang sakitkan aini..

.Loves peace and serenity.

@--;-- Hurm…ade ke yg tak suke bende nih?semua orang pon macam nih kott…

.Sensitive to others.

@--;-- maybe..sbb aini boleyh tgk air muke orang.sikit2 boleyh bace.aini boleh agak kalau dia ada masalah, tak suke aini ke ape ke…except for aniza…dia unik skeyt…aini tak boleyh bace…heehehe…sowi, but that’s the truth… ;)

.Loves to serve others.

@--;-- Boleyh la….

.Easily angered.

@--;-- YES! Aini senang marah tp aini boleyh kawal kalau kene dengan keadaan..kalau tak, memang ar aini mengamok…Aini garang okay!


@--;-- Yang ni subjective. Aini tak tahulah macam mane nak nilai part ni. Tp, kalau orang tuh tanak aini bgtaw sape2 about anything, InsyaAllah selagi boleyh aini simpan rahsia dia. Biar pecah di perut jgn pecah di mulut… :)

.Appreciative and returns kindness.

@--;-- Aini appreciate semua benda yang kawan2 aini buat dkt aini. Selagi aini mampu aini cube balas kebaikan diorang…sebab aini takot terhutang budi…

.Observant and assesses others.

@--;-- Yes, because I am bz body!hehehehe…


@--;-- boleyh tahan la…so, beware everyone…heeee… ;P

.Loves to dream and fantasize.

@--;-- waaaa…I lyke it very much! My hobbies!!

.Loves traveling.

@--;-- YES YES YES!!!anywhere, and any place!

.Loves attention.

@--;-- Who doesn’t?

.Hasty decisions in choosing partners.

@--;-- hohoho…really? I already have one and don’t want to find another one..YET!hehehe…kidding!

.Loves home decors.

@--;-- A little bit but I prefer sumone to do it for me..

.Musically talented.

@--;-- I don’t think so. Which part of me is musically talented?i can’t find one. could anyone tell me?

.Loves special things.

@--;-- Of cos!!


@--;-- I am an angry person, remember?

Well, it’s just me! So, friends I am really sorry for all my wrongs did. I never meant to and I am so sorry if I ever hurt your feeling and everything sengaja atau pon tak…. Aini Fadhilah memohon maaf sangat2… but no matter what, aini selalu marah2 ke, selalu sakitkan hati ke, perli2 ke, aini tetap syg semua kawan2 aini...

It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. ~Agnes Repplier

Thursday, October 8, 2009



Well, nothing much to say. Today was the worst day ever!! I could never believe that there’s a human like them!! I’m really hurt today.. and no one there to listen. I always asking myself, if there something bad, something terrible that I’ve done to anyone before? Why should I face this one?! When I read saffy’s blog, I saw the part ‘Penyejuk Hati’ . It’s definitely help me a lot to motivate myself to go through with all this today…I miss my old friends!Nada, Emy, Diera, Nina, Syiqin, Rusy, Saod, and everyone from my past! I wonder why there is no one here that could be like them.

I know, it is not good to always compare them with my school’s friends. It’s unfair for them. But things that happened have made me to do so.. They never appreciate others kindness. Never say sorry. And even if they do, they never really mean it. They always talk about others but never to try to change themselves. They keep hurting with each other. They don’t want to accept other people in their friendship. Never care and never want to listen and always don’t want to understand from their heart… why should I meet all these people?

I know that I’m not perfect either but at least I do care about how they feel and how my actions will affect them. I always try not to be selfish and respect others. But there are sometimes, I can hurt others feeling just because they always hurt mine. I want to be selfish just because they never think about others and it makes me sick of it! I felt very relieved because I’ve hurt them but at the same time I hate myself and felt so guilty because I’ve learned to hurt others and I love it! I don’t want to be bad… but I can’t never forgive them because they never appreciate my friendship and always hurt me.. ALWAYS hurt me…

Then, after I read saffy’s blog, I know it’s just a test for me.

"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkansesuai dengan kesanggupannya."

(Al-Baqarah : 286)

kan safiah kan? So aini, sabar… sabar selagi termampu…

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. ~William Blake, Jerusalem

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hari ni semua org gembira sbb celebrate besday kawan2 aini…aini pon patutnya gembire. Tp aini tak gembire pon tadi…aini rasa sedih sgt…hurm…aini tak tahulah nak luahkan macam aini sgt sedih sebenarnye…


Bila aini sedih teringat pulak lagu dalam cerita sound of music tuh, My favorite things.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up with strings,
these are a few of my favorite things.

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,
door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
these are a few of my favorite things.

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
silver white winters that melt into springs,
these are a few of my favorite things.

When the dog bites, when the bee stings,
when I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't feel so bad.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
brown paper packages tied up with strings,
these are a few of my favorite things.

Cream colored ponies and crisp apple strudels,
door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings.
these are a few of my favorite things.

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,
snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,
silver white winters that melt into springs,
these are a few of my favorite things.

When the dog bites, when the bee stings,
when I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember my favorite things,
and then I don't feel so bad.

Lagu ni buat aini teringat kenangan2 manis aini…and yg paling tak dapat aini lupakan masa aini menang 1st prize lucky draw contest. Aini dapat ps3…aini sgt gembire giler time tuh!!mase tuh tahun 2008. Aini pergi jb dengan madhihah nk ambik benda tuh. Penyampaian hadiah dekat jusco tebrau city. Aini macam tak percaya aini dapat hadiah tuh. And sepanjang hari mase nak ambik hadiah tuh, macam2 kenangan yang aini tempuhi dengan madhihah.

Thanx to madhihah, she’s so sweeeeettt!!aini macam tak percaya hangout sejaoh tuh dengan madhihah!hehehe…madhihah, im so thankful!!!hehehe…mmg gembire sgt bile teringat kenangan ni…memang ni kenangan paling manis sepanjang dekat Melaka… J

ni la saat2 bahagia tu....

Huhuhu…ape pon, happy birthday to Ecah, Aniza and Moe!

Take care everyone…

Silence is the true friend that never betrays. ~Confucius