Thursday, March 11, 2010


Hi again....

hari ni aini pergi jalan2...dengan efa...berdua je...tak plan pon, tibe2 rase nk keluar sebab lately aini mmg sgt stress...huhuhu

then, aini beli kasot!snickers baru!!!chanteekkkk sgttt!!!hahaha...tak tahulah chantek ke tak, tp bile aini sarung kat kaki nmpk chantek jeee....hehehe...warna pink+putih...adidasss....chantek sgt2 kott...hehehe...aini beli buat hadiah hari jadi tok aini...hehehehe

seronok la dah beli kasot.tak saba nk packing balek rumah and then packing tok pergi sarawak pulak...seronoknyerrrr!!!!tak saba sgt2.... aini pergi sarawak sabtu ni smpai isnin...aktiviti sume dah setel...tggal nk pergi je lagi.....seronoknyerrrrr!!!!hehehehe....

sarawakkkkkk!!!! here i comeeeee!!!

oklah, later....take care!

Sunday, March 7, 2010



heee....aini sgt gembire hari ni...dari title post nih pon korg sume mesti tahu sebab ape aini gembire sgt kn?heeee...naim datang melake hari ni!seronok sgt!since birthday aini ari tuh ari selase, so, dia datangla hari ni saje nak celebrate. dia pon tak keje hari ni.bole lah dia nk dtg~

seronoklah...bahagia sgt kott...dia belikan aini beg roxy!chantekkkk!!dia kate birthday present~heeee....seronok sgt3! boleh la bw beg tuh pergi sarawak next week!! lepas dah dpt beg, tros pegi mkn. suke aini tgk naim mkn hari ni!setengah ekor ayam kott dia mkn!aini serius tak pernah tgk dia mkn sebanyak tuh!dahsyat btol! dia mmg lapa kott...dari jauh datang semate nk jumpe aini...haisyyy....aini dah taw dah dia mmg sweet.... :)

then kitorg tgk alice in wonderland, 3D!!best jugak la cerita tuh...lg best sbb tgk dgn naim!hehehe...walopon dia tak suke tgk cerita tuh...dia layan kn aje aini...naim mmg tak byk memilih...dia tak pernah kesah...nk mkn ape, nk tgk movie ape, nk buat ape, nak gi mane2 ke...dia mmg tak pernah kesah. kalo nk ajak pergi mane2, dia on je...tak pernah bising pon. dgn kawan aini pon dia senang nak masok...haisy...mane lg nak carik lelaki mcm dia, kn? ;) tula, dia mmg suke melayan aini...hehehe....suke2!!

and, kat sini nak share skeyt today's pix collection,

Ni 2nd trip eih...mmg byk naim mkn!

alice in wonderland BEST!

ni birthday present from naim!chantek kn?? ;)

well, tu jela kott yg nak aini kongsi hari nih...
take care,

Friday, March 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Aini!


Last post aini cakap nk cerita pasal birthday aini kan?

Well, at last on 2 March 2010 I’ve turn 22~waaahhh…mcm tak percaya dah berusia…hehehe…

Takde pape sgt pon…mlm tuh aini tido awal sbb aini mmg penat siang tuh. Kol 12, mcm biasela…naim kol and wish aini happy birthday. Tp aini dah tido time kitorg berckp kejap je la…kesian naim, dia patut balek keje pukul 1, tp dia mintak balek pkol 11 sbb dia tanak wish aini lambat…sweet kn diaa??? :)

Pagi esok tuh aini bangun tido mmg byk sgt msg org wish birthday…terharu jugelah…thanxx so much guys!!seronok plak bile org wish walaupun sepatutnye aini bersedih kerana semakin berusia…hehehe..then, atas laptop aini ade kad birthday from EFA…my rumate~~heeee…terharu lagi!! Dekat notice board mmg aini dah letak kad birthday yg adik aini buatkan…dia kasi hari ahad before aini balek melake…hehehe…comeyl..

Tp time birthday aini tuh, aini tak sehat…aini mengalami sakit kepala yg sgt kronik!huhuhu…sakit sgt sempat jugaklah berjalan petang tuh. Sbb teman chark pegi tesco nk mintak sponsor..aini keluar dengan zatul, chark, efa n timah. Kitorg mkn ais jagung atas jejantas dekat melake central!hehehe…situ memg ais jagung terbaik aini pernah minum!!sedaaaappp giler kott!!mmg aini tak leh handle…favourite tuhhh!!

Balek tuh, efa bagi aini hadiah…from her and from timah!tekala tekalah ape diorg kasikk??hehehee….bedsheet yg sgt chantekkk!!disney princess warna pink!!mmg favourite la tuh!!aini seronok sgt dpt bedsheet!thanx to both of them!!i appreciate it very much!

Chark pon ade kasik aini kad birthday…sgt cute kott…walopon dia kate burok tp since kad tuh dia buat sendiri, aini rase chantek je~heee….thanx to u too chark!! Along aini plak aini mintak adiah kat dia tanak kasik. Aini ckp nk 22 hadiah sbb umo aini dah 22. Tibe2 dia ckp dia tak percaye aini dah 22. Dia siap Tanya aini lahir tahun brape. Dia ckkp aini budak2…dia tak percaya aini dah 22..jahat sgt!dia slalu buli aini, mmgla dia rase seronok.. selame ni dia tak sedar ke dia buli aini yg berusia 20-an ni…hehehe…ape la mslh dia…hehehe…

So,tu jela birthday tahun ni…biase2 je tp seronok. Kalo tahun lepas naim bw aini pergi dinner..kenalkan dgn kawan2 dia…and sgt byk bende2 sweet berlaku..tahun ni tadee…sbb ari selase.aini kat melake. Dia pon ade kelas kat miat. Tp, dia ttp sweet sbb balek awal nk call aini…hehehe…sernoknyer!!bahagia btoll… :)

Tu je la…thanx to all yg wish aini happy birthday~terharu la…hehehe…


Take care guys, and later…

yg powerpuff girls tu, ainul nye kad, yg kumbang tuh chark kasik, bedsheet efa n timah, and another kad from efa again....hehehe....many thanx to all of u!!

sweet sgt ainul wat kad utk achik!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

kerja kerja kerja.

Hey, hi again..

Yup, I know, its been a while… but cant help it… aini ade byk sgt benda nk kne setel…

Alhamdulillah, mostly da setel..all da preparation for next week also almost done. For the first 2 months, quite tough…huhuhu…assignment, micro teaching, carnival sukan, lawatan…sume2 tu la…serabot btol…

Tp last week micro teaching dah setel. Pnat jugak sbb nk kne buat teaching aid, lesson plan, pening btol nk fikir the best way to teach fraction. Hoohoho…it looks simple, tp nk ksik budak faham tuh yg payah. Luckily, sume ok je walopon kene sound dgn lecturer sbb main2 time present…hehehe..

Then, assignment budaya dan pembelajaran.mmg mencabar btol la…aini tak minat langsung buat esei pjg2 ni…kalau nk bercerita tak pe gk…ni nak carik fakta.tu yg lemah tuh…partner aini plak mmg last minute baru setel kn keje…so, agk kelam kabot tp sempatla siap before due date. Presentation psal etnik2 di Malaysia pon dah setel. Lega dah present walopon aini tak brape nk ready…tp takpela…malas dah nk fikir…

Assignment maths lg 1 mmg tak sentuh lg. kene buat presentation psal chemical balancing gune linear system..haisy....yg assignment ni hantar time practical…cume presentation tuh yg aini tak sure bile.. maybe next week kot, tp aini tak prepare pape pon lg…huhuhu…

Isnin lepas ade seminar BIG. Seminar psal ape tah…aini pon dah lupe…hehehe…tp psal akta pendidikan ape tah.aini tak dgr sgt…aini main word search puzzle kat blakang…hehehe…smbil setel2kan skeyt lesson plan maths aini…boringla nk kne dgr time dlm dewan.drpd aini buat bising, better aini buat keje kn? ;)

Isnin hari tuh aini pergi lawatan penanda aras dekat sekolah cemerlang SK Sri Laksamana Masjid Tanah. Kecik je sekolah tuh, tp serba lengkap!mmg layak dpt anugerah sekolah cemerlang! Best jugak la…dalam tempoh 2 bulan ni pon aini bz uruskan lawatan tuh. Aini ajk perhubungan luar. So, nk kne contact org sane la, ape la…serabott!!naseb baek pihak sekolah tuh baik…heee… aini byk Tanya skeyt, pening kpale kerani sekolah tu nk jawab. Hehehe…so dah lepas jugak la yg ni…lawatan dah setel.

Then, esok ade kursus kepegawaian. Mcm tak percaye je tak boleyh balek weekend nih!waaaa….nk balekkkk!!!

Isnin ni retma kat ayer keroh plak.aduhaii…pening btol fikirkan keje2 nih…selase carnival sukan.batch aini kene anjurkan and junior jd peserta carnival. Hangin je diorg tak psal2 je kne masuk…hehehe…sape suruh jd junior, kan dah kne paksa join aktiviti kitorg…hehehe… :)

Then, rabu pulak kelas aini organize mini marathon. Satu batch terlibat. Tp since proposal kelas kitorg yg diterima, so kelas lain drpd batch aini kene jd peserta marathon tu…hehehe…seronok sgt tak payah lari!!hehehe…tp hadiah nye best!aini kompius nk join ke tanak. Tp actually mmg tak leh join pon… huhuhuhu… :(

So, hari rabu tu last aktiviti laa…then kne lintang pukang siapkan assignment plak.tu je la…huhuhu…serabot la aini…nk kne kmas file la, assignment la…ntah ape2 jee….huhuhu…so, aini ade smpai jumaat je utk setelkan kerja2 tuh sebab jumaat dah balek…cuti mid sem seminggu! Sabtu tuh mase utk berholiday dgn kawan2!!yay!!! kuching, im coming!!seronoknye!!!cant waitttt!!!hopefully holiday ni holiday yg paling BESTT!!hehehe…

K la, dah pjg sgt ni aini merepek psal keje2…later aini citer psal birthday aini pulak!hehehe…seronok!k la… till then,


Saturday, February 20, 2010

sekian lame...

dah lame tak update kn blog...huhuhu

aini byk keje la...sekarang pon bz lg...
byk sgt benda yg aini dah miss nak cerita...
takpela, later aini catch up skeyt2 k...
aini nak turun ni.
nk tgk khaulah!
comeyl sgt minah tuh!

geram3!!! heeee.... :)

Friday, January 22, 2010



Assalamualaikum.... Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. ini adalah surat wasiat dari penjaga makam Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu Sheikh AhmadMaeine (Saudi Arabia). pada suatu malam ketika membaca Al-Quran dimakam Rasulullah SAW. selepas membaca lalu hamba tertidur, dalam tidur hamba bermimpi didatangi Rasulullah SAW lalu bersabda kepada hamba, dalam 60 000 orang yang meninggal dunia di zaman ini tiada seorang pun yang matinya dalam keadaan beriman.
(a)isteri tidak mendengar kata suami.
(b)orang kaya tidak lagi bertimbang rasa.
(c)orang tidak lagi berzakat dan tidak membuatkebajikan.

Oleh itu wahai Sheikh Ahmad, hendaklah kamu menyedarkan kepada orang Islam ini supaya membuat kebajikan, kerana hari penghabisan(....Qiamat) akan tiba di mana bintang akan terbit dari langit, sesudah itu matahari akan turun di atas kepala.

(a) berselawat - untuk junjungan Nabi kitaMuhammad SAW.
(b) bertaubatlah - dengan segera sementara. Pintu Taubat masih terbuka.
(c) Bersembahyangla....
(d) berzakat - jangan ditinggalkan.
(e) Menunaikan Fardhu haji - bila berkemampuan.
(f) Jangan menderhaka kepada kedua ibu bapa.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ape2 je la...


so today, ade blood donation dekat IPG aini.. and aini juge salah seorang penderma yg amat berbesar hati untuk melakukan pendermaan tersebut...heehhe...skema!

last time aini derma darah 2008 kowt. time tuh aini pitam and hari ni aini mmg giler phobia la nk derma.but since nk skip kelas maths yg mengantok lg membosankan itu, maka aini buang rase phobia dan terus melangkah ke dewan serikandi utk derma darah bersama2 cakila, aniz, dan madhihah! heee...aini siap amek gmbar dengan dr mihat (dia ketua jabatan hal ehwal pelajar) lg!seronokk betul! dia mmg penyayang giler that's why aini suke dpt amik gmbar dgn dier!kelakar pown iye juge!tp gmbar dier kat chark!hehehe.. nnt la aini upload lepas chark da kasik gmbar.therefore, hari ni mmg aini penat!...lembik dah mkn nasik td, sudah kembali pulih!yayyy!! oh ya, aini darah B! :)

hmmm...last sunday was kak mira's wedding day! seronok sgt!! theme = pink+green! seronok sgt tmpat tuh...ade swimming pool lg!dier buat dekat sunway semenyih club resort...mcm tu la lebih kurang name tmpat mmg sweet la!haisy...gmbar tak byk sgt dkt aini...dekat member2 mcd bykla takde pown diorg upload!kak mira tu actually manager mcd tmpat aini kerje...dia kelakar, and otai jugak!giler2!seronoklah kerje dgn dier... aini harap dia bahagia smpai biler2 and moge berkekalan jodoh hingga ke akhir hayat! :)

i'll forgive you weirdo!


That’s all I can say. Yup, today there’s someone came to me and said sorry. And since I once had been so closed to her, so I thought she is my friend. I’d been closed to her only on our first semester. The next semester some how I thought she’s so childish and I just can’t stand with her. So, I started to get part from her and find other new friends. It’s not that she’s not good enough but I don’t think she able to hear me out and she’ll never understand others feeling. And as for me, I would like to have friends that will understand me and someone that can give me advices and show me the path when I’m lost. I need a person that I can lean on and reach my hand when I fall. i can be childish but I just cant bear it when she keeps being childish and tell everyone about her boyfriend even during the lesson or lecture. For me, that’s all nonsense! And some how GEDIXx giler!!perlu ker?org lain pon ade bf what… aini tak suke tp since dia pernah jd kawan aini aini diam je air muke aini tak boleh sorok ape yg aini rase. She’s so annoying, man!! I can’t help it! I’m sorry! Org lain gelak2 dgn cara dia, igt diorg exactly suke ke? Haisyy…

Last year dia ade ckp yg dier tak suke dgn impression aini in front of the class…gile kn? Aini malu jugaklah time tuh, tp aini mmg tak suke dia buat perangai macam tuh, macam mane aini nk senyum? So, aini biar jela dia kritik aini camtuh. Yes I admit, aini mmg mcm tuh. So, da lame2 tuh ok je…cume aini mmg tak byk ckp la dgn dia dam cm dgn kwn2 aini yg lain. Bukan since kejadian yg dier luah perasaan kat depan kelas tuh, mmg dah tak byk ckp since dier menggedik tak tentu hala..aini rimas…aini ckp dgn dier hal2 penting je. Tp perasaan aini dkt dier normal la…mcm org lain.tadelah nk benci ke, mara ke, tanak kawan ke…semua2 tuh la…huhuhu... and tibe2 td dia dtg mintak maaf…weird dowhhh…tp aini terima je la…cume aini tak faham ape yg berlaku. All of sudden, out of nowhere, tibe2 dier dtg mintak maaf and that’s it…tu jer…pelikkan?takpernah2 dier nk dtg bilik aini…hm tp aini pon mintak maafla sekali dkt dier, cumenyer yg menyebabkan aini tulis psal dia kat sini sbb aini tak fhm sbb tibe2 je…and aini tak taw dia betul2 ke tak…kompius…heee….but hope everything will be just fine!heeee…in conclusion,

I love my friends NOW! Chark, efa, zatul, aniza, by, hani, timah! Hope our friendship last forever! :) and also cant wait for our vacation to Kuching!!!! yayyy!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

a thought that count!


life is very complicated right?
why did i say so?
we could just reflect ourselves and people around us.
cmon, do the reflection.
there are many kinds of people and each one of them always changed.
either in positive way or the other way around.
people always changed.

there are so many things and so many kinds of people around us.
and each one of them have their own personality and their own identity.
there is one of them who is very close to us. we care, we understand and we always depends on each other. and we never thought they might change. but yet they changed. and they changed a lot.

they never care about us anymore, they started to avoid, started to hurt us and never try to understand us like they did before.
they seems to be someone different..
and it seems like the relationship between us is meaningless.
it means nothing to them.
and that's really hurt.
then, they will turn back to us when they feel lonely and need someone to lean on.
they hurt us twice!

but there are some of them which we never really care,
they are not even close to us.
but actually they care. they are much more alert about us.
and they appreciate us more than anybody else.
that's the touching part is.
we never acknowledge them but they always be there for us no matter what.

i'm just being so thoughtful bout this.
i wonder why.
but some how i just wants to tell everyone who reads this entry,
pls do treat me nice and appreciate me. appreciate our relationship.
don't take it for granted and just ignore.
i am a sensitive person.
and i love to be loved by others.

that's all..

Thursday, January 7, 2010


hi, hello!

well, just updating my blog. new layout, for new year, new adventure and new life to begin. saje je tade keje.tapi menyesal kemudian...inilah dia...heee...

hm, i just dun understand people. why they have to lie to others?why? it's just a small thing and they dont have to lie bout it. but they did!yes they did!why is that? serius tak fhm...nak perhatianke nak bangga diri?atau pon nk minta simpati org lain?sbb tuh bohong?tipu org sane sini?perlu ke semua tuh?untuk ape? and the worst part is, they lied to their bestfriend!kesiankan kawan baik dia tuh?kene tipu bulat2..kene tipu hidup2..haisyy...pity on you..yes YOU! yg senang2 je percaye ckp dia and yg senang2 je kene tipu! especially me..but now im NOT anymore!

i hate it! tak suke org tipu2 ni... perlu ke menipu? nk jage hati la konon nye?tp kantoi menipu...terjage ke hati yg ingin dijage tuh?isk isk isk... kesian kan? teruskan la hidup dengan penipuan tuh...but sorry, i never believe you again! its not the first time! no sorry for you and you guys are slut! (excuse me for that word!im just totally mad+hate it! and you dont have to be that sensitive if you're not one of 'them'. so let it be...)


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

.azam 2010.


aini harap aini belum terlambat nak bgtaw azam 2010 aini...heee....antaranya;

  1. to be more independent and MUST NOT dependent on others anymore!
  2. tak BOROS
  3. menjadi anak+kakak+adik yang lebih baik.
  4. kurangkan menyakat adik2...diorg dah besar... haisyyy...
  5. lebih penyabar...
  6. lebih rajin
  7. cube menjadi gf yg lebih baik~huhuhu...
  8. lebih pentingkan perasaan org lain berbanding perasaan diri sendiri tp dlm mase yg same lebih pentingkn diri sendiri..heee, boley tak?
hmmm....tu jela, mcm mane?ok tak?hope org2 yg berada disekeliling aini especially org yg paling hampir dgn aini dpt membantu aini dalam mencapai mission ni!


Trouble is part of your life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough. ~Dinah Shore

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


2009: In the Beginning
Where did you bring in the New Year? – sleep already maybe…

Who were you with? – family, obviously…
Did you kiss anyone at midnight? - no
Did you make any resolutions? - yes.

2009: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? – no.
Did you get anything for Valentine’s day? - no
Did you meet anyone special? – yesss…so many of them!
Did you fall in love? – heeee…yess.

2009: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? – yess… too many of them!
Did any of your friendships end? – yess..
Did you dislike anyone? – hahaha…there are few people really pissed me off!
Did you make any new enemies? - perhaps
Did you resolve any fights? - no..
Who was your closest friend? – chark, nina, diera, emy.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? - no.

2009: Your birthday
Did you have a cake? – yess! Heee….
What did you do for your birthday? – it was splendid!
Did you have a party? – yes…a small late nite party with my friends~
Did you get any presents? – yes! Present from Naim is the best..he’s never been so sweet like that! ;)
If so what was the best thing you got? – bracelet… :)

2009: All about you
Did you change at all this year? – yes..of coz, people always changed
Did you dye your hair? – yes.
Did you get your hair cut? - yes.
Did you change your style? - yes.
Were you in school? - yes.
Did you get good grades? – the middle semester was great but last semester was grrr…..
Did you have a job? – mcdonalds part time crew…heee…
Do you drive? - yes. Definitely!
Did you own a car? – not yet! Wait till I have my own mini cooper~~yay!
Did anyone close to you gave birth? – nope.
Did you move at all? - no
Did you go on any vacations? – bandung.
Would you change anything about yourself? -i guess so..

2009: Wrap Up
Is 2009 a good year? – YES but tough also!
Did 2009 bring any new insights? - yeah
Do you think 2010 will top 2009? – I only hope for the best! Please treat me nice 2010!