Monday, July 20, 2009


Haaaaii!! Assalamualaikum...

Now, tgh belaja skeyt2 camne nk update blog...da expert da skeyt2 ni... heee... kalau ade apa2 idea, bgtaw la...comment membina amat digalakkan...stakat nk ngutuk, takpela, takpayaah pon takpe.. :)

this week, excited sgt sbb ade plan dgn classmates!we're going to GENTING!!!weeeee....cant wait for it...even i supposed not to be very close with the classmates, but i hope it is the BEST TIME ever for us!! macam tak percaya nk gi jalan2 dgn diorunk...they should be fun, but i am the one who sometimes cannot figure out things to talk about...except for efa since we had our vacation together before..

For aniza, by, ecah and hani, jangan la terasa pape plak taw...kiter segan2 juge sbenanyer.takot tak menepati citarasa korg...but lets just pray for our happiness this weekend!!and of coz for our safety from the beginning til the end...this is the students' life that i have always dream of... and this dream will come true because the 5 of you!!thanx friends!!!

A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. ~Donna Roberts"

see ya again next time~~


epal merah said...

x sabar jugak nk pegi ngn kamu!!
jgn riso k...
ilek2 ajer...
skali tgok awk xcited, tu dah cukop mengexcitedkn ktorg...
jgn jln laju sgt!! hahaha...

fad.zain said...

hehehe...ok2...kiter control kelajuan berjalan!heh...

akubukanromantis said...

sy bersimpati plan xjd..huhu

fad.zain said...

terime kasih la en aku bukan romantis!!